Monday, March 23, 2009

What the hell..

So my jaw muscle has been kind of sore the past few days but I figured out just yesterday that its my bottom right wisdom tooth causing the soreness! All 4 of them are grown in fully but that one in the bottom right is pushing on my teeth a little causing all sorts of uncomfortable feelings and pain in that side of my face.
Its not mind blowing pain but its enough to make me go crazy eventually. It goes on and off too. So if you're reading this, try to not push my buttons! Because there's a chance its sore at the time hahah!
I hope this can be fixed soon. :/

Thursday, March 19, 2009


So I got asked to a prom by somebody I don't even know from a pasadena high school. Well technically I was asked through my friend whose girlfriend is friends with her. Kind of weird don't you think? Hahah but I agreed to do it (yes really!) and sometime before the actual event we're sort of going to have a little get together so I can meet her and things wont be awkward. ;) I'm not sure how I came up as a date but I'll find out!
And the other strange thing happened at Gilly Hicks this past monday (where I work for those who dont know).
I'm just minding my own business unpacking the new thongs and sweaters that came in and the managers are doing their thing at the computer and some girl came into the back to ask a question. I hear them talking and all of a sudden a few of them pop over near me and say "HEY REBECCA, HAVE YOU MET RYAN?!" I knew something was up right away so I responded saying I didn't want to meet anyone new and they laugh because I'm embarrassed and the rest of them urge her to go see me and all of a sudden this sort of short, beautiful girl introduces herself and shakes my hand.
I was soooooo embarrassed. Turns out that shes new and they hired her mostly because they thought we would look cute together.. -__- Yeah so now I'm getting teased about it over there now.
Hahah I haven't seen her since so we'll see what happens next time I see her since they're working hard to make something happen between us.


I gotta get my stuff together! I have two drawings due on Monday for my art class but I've been lagging it so much. Tomorrow I wont have much time either. I'm gonna change my oil in my car in the morning and then around noon I'm gonna be picking up all the tuxedos for the waiters for the play which I'm sort of helping in at SG. I gotta practice all the stuff for being a waiter too. Hopefully I can get those drawings done! :/ They're not really that hard, I just gotta get rid of my procrastinating problem hahah. The easier it is the more and more I do it for an assignment.
But I guess theres something else to cheer me up! They're both strange and out of the blue but it makes me happy for some reason lol. I'll write it in a new post.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I'm a winner :]

As a lot of you know I'm really into art and music and all that stuff related to it. So back in January I found a site for designers where people from companies will post a project for something they need and people will do their best to design what they think the buyer will like.
I entered one for a new line of motorcycle helmets coming out and the guy loved it right away! When it ended he picked me and I was so happy! :D I can't wait to actually see what it will look like on the helmets. No I don't get one but I do get $200 for winning! Yay!
So heres what it looks like. Don't think about stealing it now, I have a contract saved. Hehe.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


I seriously don't have much to do anymore since high school ended. Like none of of my friends are around. I'm lucky if I do something on the weekend.
I call the 2 friends that come down for the weekends but sometimes they're busy when I'm not and free when I'm rarely busy. B/ What the eff.
Its so sad lol. Playing guitar and singing song after song and other things make me feel good though. Hopefully my luck can change and we can hang out! :)

Friday, March 6, 2009


So I finally got a thing to play music from my iPod in the car! I know sounds so geeky and lame but I'm happy. My cigarette lighter thing didn't work so I took the cover off of the center console and unhooked it to see what was up. Apparently to send power to it theres these two pieces of metal melted together and it broke off, so I took that inside and got my mom's mini blowtorch haha. Turns out the little piece of different metal couldn't take the heat and it melted lmao. :X Ooops :D
So I just went to get a new thing and popped it in.
Its kind of static sounding when it plays music though :/ what a bummer. Not a lot though.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Its weird being back in school after like +6 weeks of the most boring vacation. But I like it! I'm at school longer Tuesdays and Thursdays but I like the classes. My geology teacher is so cool, he reminds me of Mr Whitman from SGHS. Like we use play-doh for learning about anticlines and synclines. I'm like "wtf I'm in college and we're using this? how cool!!" Haha I'm not complaining.
The only thing is that its 3 hours long so I get a little comfortable in my chair and get super sleepy and his voice is echoing. Its pretty trippy.
My electronics class is all right. Its almost like a math class except...different. I'm having a little trouble there because the teacher's voice is soft so I get sleepy in there too! Lmao.
My drawing class is excellent. I just sit there and.. well, draw! She teaches some nice techniques. I've already gotten way better. The art history class is whatever. I bring my laptop in there to take notes but I go on AIM at the same time hehehe, so sneeeeaky haha.
I'm happy that I have no school Fridays. :)